UniSA ICT Capstone Project

Commission on Excellence and Innovation in Health - Survey Builder

Reconstructed site with an updated design incorporating the notification system and user accounts.
Main survey facility page displaying all active surveys and permissions.
Survey construction tool displays a sticky toolbox on the left and displays the survey to the right.
Supports adding questions of various types in addition to headings and subsections.
Notification system alerts users to new surveys and allows them to be dismissed.

Applied Skills

ASP.NetC#JavaScriptUmbraco CMSSQLiteBootstrap V5CSSHTML

Live Access

The project is an ongoing student project and the client has not made it available for live access.

CEIH Heart Failure Survey System

The Commission on Exellence and Innovation in Health's Heart Failure Subcommitte initiated a student project to build a web portal that would serve as their public interface and also allow CEIH staff to interact with patients and other stakeholders.

The initiative had been underway for over a year, with the previous team opting to build the project using ASP.NET, with the addition of Umbraco's CMS.

My primary involvement revolved around building and implementing a survey system into the website, permitting CEIH staff to construct tailored surveys to gather insights from crucial stakeholders, including clinicians and patients.

The existing site required a complete rebuild as the codebase was undocumented, messy, and difficult to work with. I saw this as a necessity to ensure the future success of the project given that it is an ongoing student project. Remaining faithful to the original design, the site was rebuilt using technology and frameworks familiar to UniSA's software engineering students to ensure that future students would have no trouble working with the codebase.

The end product was a success and the client was very pleased with the result.

Built by Aidan Forbes using Next.JS, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn, and hosted on Vercel. Copyright 2024.